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Digital Auditions

Digital auditions for 2025 are now open

Digital Auditions

All the information you need to submit a digital audition is outlined below (including the dates that results will be released). Please read the Instructions, Content and Terms and Conditions carefully.

We are committed to playing our role in increasing diversity in dance and welcome auditions from dancers of all cultures and orientations. All dancers are given equal consideration.

If you live within Australia, the School’s preference would be to see you audition in person in any of the major cities we visit on our National Audition Tour. If you are not able to attend the National Audition Tour, please submit a Digital Audition by the required deadline. 



  • How to Apply

    1. Prepare your audition video content and photos, as detailed below.

    2. Register an account or log into your account on The Australian Ballet School website.

    3. Complete and submit the application form on the booking page (including the program/s you are applying for). You will receive an automated confirmation email if this step has been correctly completed.

    4. Finalise payment for your Digital Audition. You will receive an automated confirmation email if this step has been correctly completed.

    ~ Applications cannot be processed if incomplete.

    Photo requirements

    Take 2 x standard images (4"x 6" / 10cm x 15cm) of applicant in practice clothes. Required poses:

    1. Full length facing side-on profile to the camera with feet together in parallel 1st - Example Photo
    2. Tendu a la seconde a terre en face with arms in second - Example Photo

    Video requirements

    Save your audition video in one of the following formats:

    1. YouTube video - Listed/Unlisted
    2. Vimeo video - Public/Private

    Footage must be compiled into one video, no longer than 30 minutes.

    Digital audition submission should be provided as one continuous video

    Please ensure video remains viewable until result has been received by parent/carer.


    ~ See our Frequently Asked Questions, including Tips for Filming Your Digital Audition

Digital Audition Content

  • Auditioning for Intra-Interstate & International Program (ITP) (Levels 1-3)

    For course information, please visit Intra/Interstate & International Training Program

    (a)   Barre Work

    Please film barre work on both sides (left and right)

    - Plies – once in each position

    - Battement Tendus

    - Battement Fondus

    - Developpés

    - Grand Battements

    (b)   Centre Work

    - Port de Bras

    - Simple adage (for 12+yrs)

    - Sautés

  • Auditioning for Full-Time Program (FTP) (Levels 4-8)

    For course information, please visit Full-Time Training

    (a) Barre Work

    - Demi & Grand Plies – once in each position

    - Battement Tendus/Jeté  – 4 in each position front/side/back

    - Ronde de Jambe a terre and en l’air – 4 en dehors & en dedans

    - Battement Fondus 45 degrees – both sides, all directions

    - Developpés 90 degrees – both sides, all directions

    - Grand Battements – as for tendus

    (b) Centre Work

    - Port de Bras

    - Adage

    - Some centre practice with various pirouettes

    - Basic allegro steps

    - Small batterie combinations

    - Grand Allegro

    - Short Variation including beats, jumps and turns

    - Enchainment with pirouettes (on pointe for girls)

    (c) Solo

    A short Classical solo showing applicant's performing quality and personality.

Terms & Conditions - Digital Auditions

  • General Information

    Ensure you read our Terms and Conditions for details on Preferred Dress for Auditions; our Privacy Policy; Feedback; and the School’s Child Safe Standards.

  • Important Dates & Eligibility

    Within one calendar year, only one audition for the following year’s intake will be accepted per person. The school year starts in January and concludes in December.

    Digital auditions open at 9am on Monday 3 March 2025 (AEST)and close at 5pm on Friday 7 November 2025 (AEST)

    Full-Time applicants should complete their application by Friday 11 July to be considered for the 2026 school year. Full-time applicants will receive results in late-July and if successful, applicants will be invited to National Audition Finals in August.

    Intra/Interstate & International Training Program applicants should complete their application by Friday 12 September to be considered for the 2026 intake and will receive results in late-September.

    All Digital Auditions submitted after 12 September 2025 will have results returned by mid-December.

    During busy periods for the School, processing times may increase.

    For 2026 intake into The Australian Ballet School’s training program:

    * Applicants must be between 9 -18 years old as at 30 June 2025

    * Before applying, international applicants for the Full-Time Program must read the International Students page, including 'International Students Course and Audition Information'.

    Successful auditionees will be offered a place/Level in our training program based on their age, location and ability. This arrangement offers greater access and training options to develop young dancers.

  • Payment & Refund Policy

    The 2024 Digital Audition fee is AU$225. Payment must be received with application in order for the application to be processed.


    Refunds do not apply once a Digital Audition application has been received by The Australian Ballet School.