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International Representation

by The Australian Ballet School |

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Prix de Lausanne Choreographic Project 2019

Karina Arimura and Benjamin Garrett represented the School, participating in the 2019 Prix Choreographic Project, where they joined 24 students from 12 other Partner Schools, in a new creation by Dutch Choreographer Didy Veldman. The work Is to Be was created over an eight day period and performed in the interlude performance at the Finals of the competition. You can view the 2019 edition of the Choreographic Project here.

"Being involved in the 2019 Prix De Lausanne Partner Schools Choreographic Project was one of the greatest experiences I am sure I will remember forever. The trip to Switzerland allowed me to experience a whole different creative process, movement style and world of people from all different places and lives. We spent our time in Switzerland with long days of creating the piece and rehearsing it for the performance; a process that was both extremely tiring, but also extremely rewarding and eye-opening. I made great connections with many people and I'm sure our bonds will carry through for the rest of our lives. I am so incredibly grateful to the School for allowing me this opportunity and I will definitely use what I have learnt to help me in my future dance career and life." Benjamin Garrett.

"It was an unforgettable experience being part of the Prix de Lausanne Partner School Choreographic Project 2019. Creating a new piece with a group of people who have never met, who don’t talk the same language, who come from different cultures and different education backgrounds in a really short time was challenging but we gradually got to know and understand each other more as the days passed. Towards the end we even felt like we were breathing together which is necessary when dancing in large groups. Choreographer Didy Veldman encouraged us not to simply do movements just because we are told. I realised the importance of understanding how and where the movement starts from and then finding the natural reaction in my body that connects it into the next movement. I cannot thank the School enough for giving me this experience and chance to feel and see what the world is like." Karina Arimura.

Above photos by Gregory Batardon

Student Exchange – Canada’s National Ballet School

In January, Lachlan Mair, Louis Ramsay, Amelia Dawe, Alexandra Cramer, and Larissa Kiyoto-Ward took part in a three-week student exchange with National Ballet School of Canada. At the Prix de Lausanne Lisa Pavane caught up with the Director of National Ballet School of Canada, Mavis Staines who commented on what wonderful ambassadors our students were during their visit. 


"I was really thrilled the day that I was told that I’d be going to the Canadian National Ballet School on exchange for 3 weeks. I had heard so many great things about the school from past students and I can honestly say that the experience the five of us had, was truly a once in a lifetime opportunity. Alexandra, Larissa, Amelia, Louis and I were exposed to a whole new style of learning, teaching, dancing and culture over the time that we stayed in Toronto. It was also great to use the visit as a chance to compare and contrast our two great schools. What I found most interesting was the difference in their teaching style. Many of the ballet masters are from North America and therefore they introduced us to a lot of Balanchine inspired choreography which of course varies quite a bit from our own. The actual ballet school building was amazing architecturally and the way they blended the historical with the modern studios was fascinating! 

A particular highlight for me was the challenge of travelling across the world with only my peers. For the majority of us, this was the first time we’ve experienced this. The entire group had to work together to navigate through airports, deal with delayed flights, co-ordinate taxis, hotels, and navigate public transport in order to make this happen. There was certainly a sense of great satisfaction once we touched back down in Melbourne! I believe the skills we learnt, not only during the time travelling, but also when living with complete strangers in the residence, are important skills, that every dancer needs if they want a career in ballet.

Finally, I am so thankful for the opportunity to go on the Canadian exchange, because it allowed us to lose ourselves in a completely new culture and environment. I had never seen snow before, so with temperatures down to -20 C we definitely had our share of snowfall! The Canadian people were extremely polite, and maple syrup was everywhere to be found, so I can safely say that we got the entire Canadian experience. I will honestly be forever in debt to The Australian Ballet School for offering me this opportunity. The memories, along with the skills and experiences I gained, will remain with me always." Lachlan Mair.


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